Starts tomorrow our biggest event of the year...

Family Nutrition

Take Your Food to The Next Level With These Methods

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Life Mastery

Be Happy, Healthy And Successful Simplified

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Cook with me!

The truth about dieting for weight loss, healthy eating

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Eat Well Guidance

I create an environment that will support you in achieving the goals you have set for yourself for being successful in the kitchen. You will love your kitchen like never before! I’m here to hold your hand as you learn the skills needed to feel confident and competent.

Show me how

Master cooking skills

The goal of MaxCoach Kitchen Coach is to educate, motivate and inspire by teaching you how to prepare, cook, and eat the best plant-based food in the world! The food philosophy of the MaxCoach Kitchen Coach is: Prepare food that is fresh & fantastic tasting.

Go cooking now

Help you love the dish

All of our classes are created with you in mind. We want to help you develop your skills so you can competently and confidently prepare delicious, nutritious meals for yourself, your family, and friends. You are going to learn all you need to know about health & vibrant living.

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"My mother gave me a real kick toward cooking, if I wanted to eat, I'd better know how to do it myself."

​Download my

​​FREE Herbalism - Medicinal Kitchen Spices Ebook

Better care for yourself and your family

Get started for free

Healthy Cooking Fundamentals That Save Time, Money & Stress

Online Coures

Online Coures

You can learn any lesson on-the-go. You will be more confident creating your own healthy meals

One to One

One to One

This one-to-one course is made to help you learn & cook exactly everything you need

Master Skills

Master Skills

Your skills will be upgraded at any level you are. We will make a 30 minutes phone-assistance before start



We create a special recipe plan based on your interest & health-situation to make sure you'll love it

Upcoming events

Stimulated to take part in?

Nov 22, 2020

Storytelling Workshop 2020

  • Texas, US
Oct 10, 2020

Painting Art Contest 2020

  • New York, US
Dec 25, 2020

International Art Fair 2020

  • Hamburg, Germany
Dec 25, 2020

Consumer Food Safety

  • Illinois, US

Why do people love me?

Great quality!

I'm CEO of Mina Kitchen Coach, I made my website by MaxCoach and I love that. The support team is helpful & nice.

Mina Hollace

Code Quality

Thanks for always keeping MaxCoach theme up to date. Your level of support and dedication is second to none.

Madley Pondor
/ IT Specialist

Customer Support

Deserves 5 star for theme’s features, design quality, flexibility, customizability and support service!

Luvic Dubble
/ Private Tutor

Good Design!

I love what they do with their themes. Update & upgrade frequently. Then, I and other customers can earn the best from it.

Florence Themes
/ Multimedia Admin